I nothing goes wrong, this post is posted at the time I'm in school, doing my spanishtest. But how can I blog from school when I'm doing a test? Well, I actually wrote this post yesterday *sneakysmile* instead of reading to the test. It's a bit funny that I've got loads of time to practise to the test and what do I do? A lot of things, exept for practising... That's how lazy I really am. I hate schoolwork, and I seldom do my homework,
yet I'm quite good in school. A bit weird i think.. I guess just that school's always been quite easy for me, if I listen on the lessons and do what the teacher tells me to do. Oh god, this post wasn't really going to be about my schoolprestations, but what ever :D

Heey! I've actually forgotten to tell you some great news: I've got a summerjob!! I will be in public places giving some advertises about Turku (that sounded really random, and it is) and telling tourists about Turku, like a guide I guess... But I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do at my job, but I'll find out more later, at some appointment. But yeyy, I've got a job, I'm gonna be rich :DD
Haha, not really...
I'll stop now before no one get's any symptoms of this long text,
bye for now,
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